NOT TATTOOS! They’re cool vinyl decals!
We’ve been doing this a while. Selling vinyl graphics, that is. Over two decades, actually. And our outside setup makes quite a stir, decal mania, really, and kids walking by almost always say, “Look at all the tattoos!”

Well, they’re surely not tattoos, and I don’t generally see a tattoo booth set up outside at flea markets, events and shows. But the adults generally know what they are. And I can often times hear one person asking another, “What are they?” while a companion of that person most times answers, “They’re decals, for cars.” To which—if I’m in the up-and-at-’em salesperson mood—I sometimes chime in with, “Actually, you can use them on just about any smooth surface.”
But, yep, first impression—we sell decals for cars. And trucks and vans, and boats, and… Well, there’s tons of other uses.
And this brings us to the topic of today’s blog post, which, had me going through some photos. Some were from recent eras, and some were from, well, quite a while ago. And now I shall highlight things we have created in the past—Eight Creative uses for Vinyl Decals, besides Cars, Trucks, and Boats—while you are free to come up with any project you have in mind, letting us know what you might need a vinyl decal for. Because Lore and I will be more than happy to help and advise!
So, without further typing, here we go…

That’s it for now. I hope you liked today’s post. And, if you have used vinyl decals—ours or those of a competitor—by all means, please send us a picture and we’ll share it with the world. Have a great one, everybody! ~Full Intensity Grafx