Is it safe? Should I put a family sticker on my vehicle’s back window? A list of Pros and Cons.
Okay, let me begin by being blunt. If you are worried about it, then placing a family sticker for the world to see, on the back window of your car, might remain a thing of worry for you. Of course, this sense of concern could apply to many things. But continuing, if you have searched this question, arriving here on my blog, then putting a family sticker on your car’s back window might not be right for you. Though, you might want to continue reading. I have some good news!
Not everything is right, for everyone.
All that aside and out of the way, let’s discuss some pros and cons. And let me begin by saying, my wife and I have created these family stickers (to be applied to just about any smooth surface, not just vehicle windows) for years, and I’m not trying to sell a product here. But, and of course, if at the end of this short blog post you feel you would like to order a family sticker—or any decal, vinyl graphics product—from us (or anyone on the web), then by all means…
As are so many things in this world, family stickers are a method of expression. Not just look at me, but this particular outlet comes with an overwhelming sense of pride and joy that comes with being a parent or being someone who wants to shout to the world know what their family means to them. So let’s move on to the pros and cons.
Pros: reasons for applying a family sticker to your car’s back window…
- Like countless things in today’s fast-paced world, family stickers (like In Loving Memory Decals, etc.) are just another way of expressing yourself.
- Apply family stickers not only to car’s back windows, and trucks and RVs and boats, etc., but apply a family sticker to just about any smooth surface: a plaque, front door welcome sign, mailbox, folder, laptop, phone case, even a wall inside your home or RV, or on a mirror. The list goes on and on…
- It’s a release. You want to let the world know what and who you love and how you feel. You could climb a mountain and shout it, and feel like doing so, but applying a family sticker to your car window works too.
- You’re fun to be around. You like cool, wacky, trendy, neat, unique, and/or wild, carefree, and fun things, and you love letting people know. You love shouting out to the world that your family members are just as cool as your are, each with their own quirks (choose a different family sticker design for each member), and it’s just something that you would like to do.
- Decorate! You love crafts. You are artistic, outgoing, and extroverted. You love changing it up once and a while to keep things fresh.
Cons: reasons you might not want to apply a family sticker to your vehicle’s back window…
- You didn’t know that family stickers could be applied to just about any smooth surface, and you just got an idea for a cool gift or craft (so you decide to forget reading the rest of the cons and make it happen).
- You worry sometimes. The world can be a bad place, and you don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself or anyone in your family.
- It’s just not for you. You’re not enthusiastic about creating a family sticker, or applying one to your vehicle’s window. Simple as that. Some things you like, some you don’t, and this isn’t something that floats your boat.
- You’re worried that someone my use the names of the members of your family sticker, or any trait or quality of the design you have chosen, against you or you family in a malicious way. NOTE: Names on the family sticker are optional, and most people don’t add them unless it’s for a craft other than being applied to a vehicle’s window.

Now, all that said, and again, I was not trying to sell you a product here. Ultimately, you must decide what you want. If it’s not for you, that is perfectly okay, the world is a big place and everyone likes different things.

A final note… Lore and I—Full Intensity Grafx—have made cool family stickers for almost 20 years and have yet to hear of a single bad experience. We’re artistic, we’re outgoing, we’re small business owners, and we love making families happy with our unique products! So, if you decide to give it a go and purchase a product from us, please send us a picture using our Facebook page or the email address beneath our contact us form. We love seeing the way you and your family express yourselves by way of crafts you have created, how you have decorated your vehicle, boat, etc., or even, that cool family sticker sign you made for the mantle above your fireplace. Anything!