It’s an excellent read! I just picked it up yesterday.
On my trip to Farmington, New Mexico and back, I already listened to about 4 hours worth. From Audible, it’s my latest audio-book, Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop, also narrated by him. I’m glad to have found such a really great self-help book. I listen to them all the time, self-help, motivational, inspirational books, but many times go right on just as I’ve always done, and nothing changes. But with Gary’s book this is not the case. The author has quite a heavy Scottish accent and his unique voice with a tell-it-like-is attitude accomplishes brilliant narration that packs a punch. And he’s sure to let you know: if you are the type of person that gets offended easily, put the book down or pass it to a friend.
Anyway, I must say, there are some inspiring quotes in the book, which finally pushed me over the edge. That and the extraordinarily powerful way in which the book reads—the author provides some excellent life-changing advice!

And now there are many things I will be doing, which include working harder and with more focus than ever. I will. I can. I am.
As it’s no secret perhaps, I’m about to re-publish my first novel, as well I’m knees-deep into the sequel, about 120k words so far—and that will continue strong. And I’ll continue to create these blog posts, which I hope you have found to be of value. As for the graphics part of “what I do,” I will be designing a new page on the Full Intensity Grafx website where inspirational and motivational quotes can be purchased as decals. While our clients have been creating and designing funny or inspirational quotes using our custom-lettering-decal page for years, I wanted a section specifically for designing and browsing such quote decals, and an easy way to take feedback and add new quotes to the selection.
The lid of my laptop is stuffed with funny and cool decals but that’s…about to change!
I’m going to peel them off and put some of the quotes, like those contained in the book above, which I am thrilled to have found. And while I won’t spoil it for you because I am recommending the book, I will say that there are many quotes are from the author himself that really touched base, as well various others from stoics like Marcus Aurelius the Roman emperor, who ruled from from 161 to 180 AD, Socrates the classical Greek philosopher from 300 BC, and many, many others. By the way, if you like the writings of Marcus Aurelius, be sure to check out the movie Acts of Vengence with Antonio Banderas, if you haven’t seen it already—I loved it.
But it’s not just this book, which I’m reading. There’s a world full of motivational, inspirational quotes, including those from you. Let’s hear it!
Any inspirational or motivational quote that you would like me to add to this new part of the website, just let me know. As a decal the quote can be applied to coffee mugs, notebooks for school, laptop cases, even used as wall decals (contact me about wall decal vinyl), and vehicle, car, boat, window glass, as well painted surfaces or plaques and mirrors. As long as they’re not copyrighted such as a business taglines or trademarks, let’s create it!

Without further ado, I’ll keep this post short in order to get started right away on that new page of the site. For now, feel free to check out the funny and cool-phrase-decals page where you can choose a from one of the decals there, or create your own inspirational or motivational phrase decal. For a little more control, create a custom text decal, or a multi-line custom lettering decal. I’ll post again once I’ve finished designing and creating the new web page. Everyone have a great weekend!